City of Cross Plains

City Council Board Minutes

March 13, 2009




Page 240


This was a budget workshop meeting of the Cross Plains City Council.  Members of the council present were Mayor Ray Purvis, Bob Kirkham, Audrey Purvis, Peg Terrell, & Jerry Cassle. 


Employees present were Debbie Gosnell.


The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the 2009/2010 proposed budget.  By general consent the council agreed that in order to meet the requirements of this year’s budget including the Capital Improvements will necessitate the need for a property tax.  Other changes to the budget included moving $500.00 from the 4th of July Festival to the Park Expenses.  No other changes were made and by general consent the council agreed that no other meetings or changes were necessary.  By general consent the council agreed to hold a public hearing on March 31, 2009 at 6:30 pm at City Hall.


Audrey Purvis moved to adjourn.  Bob Kirkham seconded and motion carried.




Ray Purvis, Mayor



    Debbie Gosnell, Secretary