City of Cross Plains, Texas


City Government

The City of Cross Plains is committed to providing an efficient, open government that promotes growth and prosperity in a safe, healthy environment while providing quality essential services in which the citizens' needs are met, thus allowing for opportunities to enjoy a higher quality of life in a small but friendly community with pride, honor and dignity.
City Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM.

Agenda items will be accepted until noon the first Tuesday and normally posted on this web site by noon Thursday.

The City of Cross Plains wishes to be responsive to your needs and suggestions. You may email comments and suggestions to Debbie Gosnell by using the “Contact” link below.

     Contact Us

     201 S Main Street
     PO Box 129
     Cross Plainss, Tx  76443

     Phone (254)725-6114
     Quick Links

     Site Links