Presiding Municipal Court Judge Judge Don Gosnell

P. O. Box 129

Cross Plains, TX 76443

Phone: (254)270-9851 Fax: (254)725-6397

The City Court provides a fair and impartial hearing for all citizens charged with any Municipal ordinance violation, traffic violation or state offense within the boundaries of the City of Cross Plains. Court is held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month beginning at 10:00 AM. Our business hours are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday and 8:00 Am to 1:00 PM on Fridays. If you fail to appear in court on your assigned date on a traffic citation or fail to pay this citation on or before the scheduled date, the Texas Department of Public Safety will be notified to initiate suspension of your license.

You May Pay or Mail Your Citation Here:

Cross Plains Municipal Court

P. O. Box 129

Cross Plains, TX 76443

Rules For Court Conduct:

No cell phones or pagers (inaudible only).

Proper dress code -

No Shorts No tank tops/spaghetti strap tops

No midriff showing

No clothing with suggestive or offensive slogans

No hats on in the courtroom

We encourage you not to bring small children to court. After roll call, late arrivals will go to the end of the docket and are not excused. No resetting of cases by office personnel on your court date. Driving School Eligibility for Driving School: Court must be notified of request on or before the appearance date Cannot have had driving safety course in the past 12 months of your citation Exceeding speed limit no more than 25 mph of the posted speed Acceptable Forms of Payment: Cash (DO NOT send cash through the mail) Money Order Cashier’s Check Credit Card payments over the phone.

       Contact Us

     201 S Main Street
     PO Box 129
     Cross Plains, Tx 76443

     Phone (254)725-6114 
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